Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Liebster Award! :')

firstly, I'd like to thank Mary from wanderlust for nominating me for a liebster award!

so, here it goes... 


- Thank the person who nominated you. 
- Answer the 11 questions that the nominate has made for you, list 11 facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
- Nominate 11 bloggers who has less than 200 followers and who you think really deserves it. 

1.     What's your favourite pass time/hobby?
I always say I don’t have a hobby,  but I suppose it’s shopping and fashion/cosmetic related activities. (and does corination street count as a hobby? It’s definitely my guilty pleasure!) 
Oh, and I do like baking and cooking :)
2.     What made you start blogging?
Well, I had a blog a few years ago when I was 14 (ish) and I used it as a diary because I was going through a bit of a tough time. When I started at university in September I thought it would be nice to start another blog so that I have somewhere to ‘talk’ about all the things I love and what's going on in my life so I can look back afterwards and see how I've changed!
3.     Who are your favourite youtubers?
I don’t really use youtube although I’ve been told that there are LOADS of amazing video blogs that I'm missing out on, so maybe I’ll look into it. 
(if you have a video blog, leave me the link and I'll take a look!)
4.     What's your favourite song?
My favourite song is ALWAYS changing.
There are quite a few songs I always call my favourite (I'm totally not committed to one song).
I love any song by The Smiths and I also love Alex Winston and Little Comets because they remind me of last summer and my best friend, J
But then I have loads of guilty pleasure too which always put a smile on my face. There are just too many possibilities!
5.     Where would you like to live, if you could live anywhere in the world?
New York.
Or where I am right now (or somewhere similar!) I always thought I was a city type of person and I could live in the countryside or anything like the country side but I've realised since I've moved to university I want to live sort of on the boundary between countryside and city. I love the quietness and beauty of the countryside but I couldn't deal with being completely secluded and having to travel too much for some good shopping!
6.     Favourite number? 
Hmm.. I've never really thought of whether I've got a favourite number, but I do always choose numbers with a 7 in if I’m asked to choose a number, so I suppose 7.
7.     Who is your style icon?
My style is always changing slightly with my mood and I don’t have a specific style icon but I love vintage style clothes, floral clothes, dresses and I love mixing all of that with leather and a type grunge look. So anyone with that sort of style is my style icon!
Personally, id much rather take inspiration from strangers on the street and peoples own take on fashion than celebrities styles or designers.
8.     Do you  have any phobias?
I don’t know if its counted as a phobia, but I don’t like animals.
 Not in a animal cruelty type of way, but I’m just not comfortable in close proximity to animals (and that includes pets) and I don’t know why.
9.     What do you want to do when you're older?
This is forever changing.
Something medical/mental health focused, or biology focused or in fashion.
10.  Any pet hates?
Bad manners and lack of common courtesy, mainly. I cannot put up with rudeness! 
BUT, I like to tell people when I think they’re rude and I always think does that count as bad manners as well?
11.  Do you have a tumblr?
Facts About Me

1. I’m irritatingly messy. (I hate mess but can’t keep things tidy!) 

2. I’ve never had a pet (but is that surprising after my answer to number 8?)

3. I’m shy but apparently I’m good at hiding it (so am I really shy or do I just think I am?)

4. I’m incredibly broody, but at the same time wouldn't consider having a child

5. I’m not 100% sure what my natural hair colour is.

6. I’d never been abroad until I was 16 and I've never been abroad with my family (does that count as 2?)

7. I’m an incredibly fussy eater and the only foods I actually couldn't deal with cutting out of my diet is chicken and potatoes.

8. after every meal I eat I HAVE to eat something sweet, no matter how full I am and no matter how small the sweet thing

9. I've always been jealous of my sister

10. I've always wanted to be a doctor from when I was 3, until I was 17 and I gave up trying because I’m too much of a pessimist

11. I've really struggled to think of 11 things that might be worth saying about myself.

My Questions

1. why did you start your blog?
2. what is your goal in life?
3. what are the 3 most important things in your life right now?
4. what do you consider to be your greatest talent? 
5. what do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
6. what your favourite 3 things about yourself?
7. what is your biggest fear?
8. what do you think you’ll be doing in 3 years time?
9. do you believe in love at first site?
10. what do you think the best bargain you've ever bought is?
11. if you could travel to anywhere in the world and do any one thing in that place, what would you do and where?



  1. Congrats!
    Maybe you would like to follow each other? xx

  2. Congratulation on the Award!! I would love for you to check out my blog and maybe we can follow each other if you like?


  3. Great!!!
    Would you like to follow each other?!


  4. congratulation, dear!!
    good job for your blog:)
    check out my blog and follow each other dear?

    have a nice day!

    1. Thankyou :).
      I'll be sure take a look at your blog!


Thanks for commenting :)
If you've got a blog, leave your link and I'll be sure to visit!