Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Budget Friendly Stationery

I'm a bit late for the back to school and back to college people, but this week I've been buying my guilty pleasure - Stationery. 

Here are a few of my favourite budget friendly stationery products!

(L-R) set of 2 storage boxes / set of 2 storage boxes / set of 2 storage boxes / index card box / box file / folder
(L-R) Set of owl food boxes / unicorn eraser / iwako kokeshi doll eraser / red satchel / pencil case

I have to say that I'm quite proud of how small my 'notes' section considering my 'notes' section in my desk is by far my biggest collection! (I have to buy all designs and sizes of any post-it notes I find) but my favourite items have got to be the pencil case tin which would be a great solution to the awkward moments I experiences last year at Uni where I opened my bag and didn't look in when I grabbed my pencil case and pull out my make-up instead (whoops!) and the index card box because I swear that using index cards to make revision cards has got to be a pre-exam lifesaver!

whats your favourite? 

Lots of Love

Monday, 16 September 2013

Tips for starting university.

As I flick though blogs I'm flooded with posts named "top tips for starting university!". I have to read every one of these posts just out of curiosity to see if the suggestions are as silly as the last post I read. 

For a start, if you're starting university this  month - do not take these posts to be like your new bible! Everyone is different and if something is definitely not your cup of tea don't feel like you have to. 

I'm going to list the most common "tips" and put my own spin on it.

1. Get involved with clubs and societies.
If there isn't a club or society that you're interested in - don't join one. You can join any time or at the beginning of next year. I didn't join any when I started last year and I don't feel like I missed out on much. Don't get me wrong if you're a massive fan of a sport or hobby and there's an appropriate club/society then join it - you'll meet loads of people who share your interest. 

2. Go to every freshers event. 
This is stupid. To go to every freshers event or even plan to is crazy. You will have a seen or received your freshers week calendar thing. Pick out your favourite ones and highlight them in a certain colour pen. Then, once you've got to university discuss with people in your halls of residence which events they'll be going to. If a lot of people in your block are going to an event and it doesn't sound completely nightmare-ish then give it a go if that many people in a small space are interested in it chances are a lot of people will go and you might meet some people from your course while you're there. But if there's an event you really wanted to go to and no one else in your block wants to go - still go you'll meet people who you are most likely to things in common with interest-wise. 
(For example my university does a board game night and a computer game night as well as all the alcohol related nights that are on.) 

3. When you move in - pack light. 
When you pack to move in DO NOT pack light. Pack everything you think you might need in a year. I had to do 2 trips in a Peugeot 306 to move my stuff in and I managed to fit everything into my room (just about (to takes a lot of planning to find a sensible place for everything)) but I'm so glad I took everything I did because I felt like I have everything I could possibly need and it saves the situation where you realise you need something and you didn't pack it and now you have to waste precious money on something you already own. You can always take things home when you visit home if you realise you definitely did not need to pack it. 
Also, make sure you pack home comforts. I didn't pack my stuffed toy from when I was born because I didn't really use it anymore but when I moved in and nipped back home for my 2nd load the whole idea that I was moving out was starting to dawn on me and I quickly grabbed my stuffed toy which I was go glad I did. It's nice to have something like that for when you feel homesick because for me just seeing the toy in my Uni room it made me feel so much more comfortable. 

4. Put up lots of photos and posters 
This is one tip I couldn't recommend more. Lots of websites give you 100 free prints of any photos you want and you just have to pay postage (such as boots and snapfish) when you sign up for them. Make the post of it I completely covered my room in photos, posters, tickets, pictures of my favourite bands etc and every single person in my block said my room was by far the most homely. 

5. Don't go home when you feel homesick.
I sort of agree with this. When I moved to Uni I only moved 2 bus rides away from home (25ish minutes in the car) and during my first week of Uni I had to go to inductions for my lectures and I was in campus accommodation which was about 10 minutes walk from campus still and it was absolutely pissing down with rain. I have naturally curly hair which I hate so I HATE rain because it makes my hair go curly so you can imagine my shit mood when on my first opportunity to meet people on my course I turn up looking like some weirdo. I was freezing cold and just wanted to go back home so when my lectures finishes I caught the bus home, had a shower and got ready and went back to Uni and this quick trip home did me the world of good it got rid of that bit of homesickness I had and I was completely ready to start again with Uni life after spending just an hour at home. 
Anyway the moral of the story is that if you feel really home sick, go home if you feel you really need to. Just try not to go too often - you'll also be surprised how your home sickness can go away when you speak to family or friends on Skype or if you invite people to visit you at Uni rather than going home to visit them because as much as going home can help, it can also make it so much worse if you go home too often and it will also mean you'll end up losing out on the university experience.
To top off the reasons why you shouldn't go home to often is that when you actually move home whether its for summer or permanently at the end of Uni, you will hate every minute of it you'll have to live by someone else's rules and you'll lose a portion of your freedom so make the most of your freedom! 

6. Get a TV and TV licence.
Don't. It a complete waste of money there's nothing you can't go on your computer/laptop as long as you've got Internet. Chances are you'll miss most programmes you like when they're actually on so you will have to watch them on on demand players online anyway and if you aren't going to miss a programme you're much better getting freewire anyway which has all the freeview channels on and runs off the Internet streaming tv programmes as they're being broadcast. 
Further if your parents have sky or virgin media TV get their username and password and you can watch sky/virgin channels online too and it's such a space saver in your room not having to have a TV and a computer/laptop. 

7. Share food shopping
I never did group food buying but I do know other accommodation blocks which did and it worked well for them but even if you don't group buy food (I can't see the practicality as everyone wants different things) I do recommend going in small groups to a local supermarket as you can divide a taxi fare between you to make it work out cheaper than if you'd caught the bus and catching a busy bus with food shopping is not pretty. 

I would like to add one recommendation which I haven't yet seen anywhere else. 

eBay eBay eBay! 
It's been a life save when preparing for both of my courses and its been great for feeding my shopping addiction at the lower cost as some clothes on there are great value. 

Anyone who is starting university this month - good luck and make the most of it! 

Much love 

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

A/W 2013 on the High Street

Hello :)

Just a quick post to show you all what I've seen on the high street ready for A/W 2013.
The post will be focusing on 4 looks: Punk, 1980's Club Kid, Classic Co-ordinates and Oversized Outerwear.

What are your favourite A/W 2013 styles?

Lots of Love 

Monday, 22 July 2013

In the summer time when the weather is high..

Sorry, I couldn't resist the temptation to use some mungo jerry lyrics as my title :).

We've all been enjoying some lovely weather lately and I'd say that this year we have definitely had a summer in Britain (which hopefully isn't going to end that soon.. Fingers crossed!) and this sunny weather just makes me want to go to somewhere beautiful and have a picnic.

Here's a few of my ideal picnic scenes: 


Yes, I've been sad enough to (sort of) plan my ideal picnic..

My ideal setting would be a beautiful gardens:

and some of the favourite picnic items would be like these..


What do you like to do in the sunny weather?

Happy Reading

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

You're much too young, girl... aren't you?

Yes, I know after making yet another promise to post more I haven't.
I'm not going to bother giving you all another petty excuse! I'm just a bad blogger haha :( 

Anyway, I've got a planned topic for this post and it's teenage (and young) pregnancy.

My parents mum has always told me not to get pregnant until I'm 30 something like she did with me because it was the best thing she ever did she was able to go and live her life, live away from home on her own, go on holiday with her friends and make mistakes and enjoy herself before she had the responsibility of children.

I know I won't be following in her footsteps because I've been in a long term relationship since I was 14 and I've been broody for about a year now- I don't plan on getting pregnant while I'm in my teens and I have the implant so I know I won't be getting pregnant any time soon. But, honestly, I think if I hadn't had a plan for life and I hadn't gone to university I probably would be considering having a baby now because I think that being a parent is going to be a big part of my life. 
On the other hand, my sister is 4 years older than me and I know she probably won't have children until she's in or at least near her 30's. I suppose my mum's words of wisdom worked on one of us, eh? 

Focusing more on what I wanted to post about.. this year the US government have tried a few different techniques to try and 'combat' teenage pregnancy. I'll show you a few ad's in their campaign...

So, in March there was a few ads circulating stereotyping teenage mothers and how poor their child's lives would be. 

Even Carly Rae Jepson decided to have a pop at teenage mothers along with Hillary Duff suggesting that every teenager should be 'changing the world' (doubtful) rather than mothering a child. 
Frankly, if it wasn't for a teenage pregnancy she wouldn't even be bloody famous! (Justin Bieber is a product of teen pregnancy for those of you who don't know what I'm on about).

The newest campaign, showing pregnant boys, it my least favourite. This ad is supposed to make boys take more responsibility for teen pregnancy rather than just blaming the girls who are living with the consequences (and if you take notice of the first ad, theses boys should have buggered off living their life to the full while the girls look after their child!).  
It's a good job I don't live in america because the pictures of pregnant boys make me feel sick and a think seeing them frequently would give me nightmares! hahaha

So the point of this post isn't to jump on the bandwagon slating teenage parents and saying how much they've screwed up their lives - it's to say that I want to take back all of the stereotypical comments I've made in the past about teenage parents. Although I do not want to be a teenage parent and I have made sure that I won't have any 'surprises' while I'm in my teens and  I still can't understand how teenagers are 'accidentally' getting pregnant because you're either being safe or your not (we wouldn't get this many teen pregnancy from the 0.1% of times that condoms don't work) and if you missed your pill, or have been sick maybe you should've thought to control your urges or even put a condom on, I do have to say that I have seen a few young people get pregnant recently (and yes when I found out I had my doubts and made comments saying 'their boyfriend will leave', 'they can't even look after themselves' and that their parents will have to do it all for them) I have to admit they're all doing pretty good jobs at being parents and I would like to eat my hat. 

I don't think that it's necessarily the age that a mother conceives her baby that predicts whether they'd do well at school and in life or whether their child will end up in prison or even whether the parents will stay together, I think its about the situation in which the baby is conceived. 

On my 16th birthday I had a pregnancy scare, I realised I had missed 4 periods and I had a freaking heart attack. If I'd have been pregnant it would have completely disappointed my parents and I think a lot of my 'friends' would have decided that they weren't my friends anymore, frankly if I'd have been pregnant my whole life would've changed. I wouldn't be at university, I wouldn't have got my a-levels when I did, I wouldn't have become friends with the people I'm friends with now and I wouldn't have had a plan for what I wanted to do with life anymore. Purely because I've known I want to go to university since I started high school and I didn't have a backup plan so to not go to university would have thrown my life off track. However, I don't think I would've been a bad parent. I was responsible and stable enough that if I had been pregnant and I would have stood up to my responsibility and changed my life plan to fit a child that I was my responsibility. 

As well, there's people I know that have got pregnant during a levels and even during university and have continued to go onto university and are doing really well in their lives they've kept their life plan on track and they are also amazing parents.

Yet, nobody can deny there are some cases of teenage parents who a completely shit. they can't care for a baby and they don't want to care for a baby. They want to live the life that childless people their age are living and they leave it all to their parents (which I think is reasonably good of them because they've at least admitted they can't parent the child) or they just resent the child and bring up a complete yob. it's these cases that put a bad name of young and teenage parents but it's not that they're a teenage that makes them shit parents, its their attitude and frame of mind. I know 30 and 40 year old parents who are bring up yobs because they haven't got the right attitude to parenthood and I know yobs who are the children of both teenage and middle ages parents. 

This isn't a new things and there will always been people who don't bring up their children how we would bring up our own and there will always be people who don't know how to live in society, don't blame teenagers for an inevitable fact. Maybe the best thing to do with teenage parents is help them? offer the support they need to keep their own life on track so they can still finish education and get a decent job and offer the support they need to bring up their child if they don't stay with their partner. don't just put money in their bank every week and expect them to do an amazing job (while slating them for living on benefits) teach and help teenage parents how to further their lives and help them progress so they can provide their child with a good upbringing and put them on track to having a good life them self! 

Speak to you all soon

Monday, 15 April 2013

big news!

Well, not so big in the lives of everyone else but it's big to me (and hopefully it'll get me forgiveness for not blogging for so long).

I am now officially a pharmacy student! woohoo!

Like I said, it's not quite big news but I'm so happy! I emailed the admissions tutor 2 weeks ago just so I would be able to say 'well I tried' and not expecting any reply/progress and I got an interview.
My interview was last Wednesday and I was accepted on the Thursday!  yaaaay.

This means that I've finished uni for the rest of summer and I can now focus on finding somewhere to live so I don't have to properly move back home with my parents. (I've only been back for 2 weeks and I already hate it :( boo.) and it also means more blogging time!

So, HOPEFULLY all of you readers will get more attention over the next few months and I'll be doing more more regular posts.

I'm also in the process of preparing another post which will probably be here some time today or tomorrow! you lucky things ;)

lots of love!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


It has been announced that as of 1st July Google will be getting rid of Google Reader. 
This means that I will lose all of my followers and all my followers could possibly lose my blog.

So, I've signed up for bloglovin' and anyone who wants to make sure they don't lose me can follow me on there (along with new followers of course!). You'll find the icon to use to follow me on the right near all the other 'follow me' icons. 

But, for bloggers who haven't already heard this news and who haven't already got Bloglovin' they've made a page on their website to help people who are making the transition from Google Reader to Bloglovin'. You can also reach this page by clicking the picture above :). 

Follow Away! 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Liebster Award! :')

firstly, I'd like to thank Mary from wanderlust for nominating me for a liebster award!

so, here it goes... 


- Thank the person who nominated you. 
- Answer the 11 questions that the nominate has made for you, list 11 facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
- Nominate 11 bloggers who has less than 200 followers and who you think really deserves it. 

1.     What's your favourite pass time/hobby?
I always say I don’t have a hobby,  but I suppose it’s shopping and fashion/cosmetic related activities. (and does corination street count as a hobby? It’s definitely my guilty pleasure!) 
Oh, and I do like baking and cooking :)
2.     What made you start blogging?
Well, I had a blog a few years ago when I was 14 (ish) and I used it as a diary because I was going through a bit of a tough time. When I started at university in September I thought it would be nice to start another blog so that I have somewhere to ‘talk’ about all the things I love and what's going on in my life so I can look back afterwards and see how I've changed!
3.     Who are your favourite youtubers?
I don’t really use youtube although I’ve been told that there are LOADS of amazing video blogs that I'm missing out on, so maybe I’ll look into it. 
(if you have a video blog, leave me the link and I'll take a look!)
4.     What's your favourite song?
My favourite song is ALWAYS changing.
There are quite a few songs I always call my favourite (I'm totally not committed to one song).
I love any song by The Smiths and I also love Alex Winston and Little Comets because they remind me of last summer and my best friend, J
But then I have loads of guilty pleasure too which always put a smile on my face. There are just too many possibilities!
5.     Where would you like to live, if you could live anywhere in the world?
New York.
Or where I am right now (or somewhere similar!) I always thought I was a city type of person and I could live in the countryside or anything like the country side but I've realised since I've moved to university I want to live sort of on the boundary between countryside and city. I love the quietness and beauty of the countryside but I couldn't deal with being completely secluded and having to travel too much for some good shopping!
6.     Favourite number? 
Hmm.. I've never really thought of whether I've got a favourite number, but I do always choose numbers with a 7 in if I’m asked to choose a number, so I suppose 7.
7.     Who is your style icon?
My style is always changing slightly with my mood and I don’t have a specific style icon but I love vintage style clothes, floral clothes, dresses and I love mixing all of that with leather and a type grunge look. So anyone with that sort of style is my style icon!
Personally, id much rather take inspiration from strangers on the street and peoples own take on fashion than celebrities styles or designers.
8.     Do you  have any phobias?
I don’t know if its counted as a phobia, but I don’t like animals.
 Not in a animal cruelty type of way, but I’m just not comfortable in close proximity to animals (and that includes pets) and I don’t know why.
9.     What do you want to do when you're older?
This is forever changing.
Something medical/mental health focused, or biology focused or in fashion.
10.  Any pet hates?
Bad manners and lack of common courtesy, mainly. I cannot put up with rudeness! 
BUT, I like to tell people when I think they’re rude and I always think does that count as bad manners as well?
11.  Do you have a tumblr?
Facts About Me

1. I’m irritatingly messy. (I hate mess but can’t keep things tidy!) 

2. I’ve never had a pet (but is that surprising after my answer to number 8?)

3. I’m shy but apparently I’m good at hiding it (so am I really shy or do I just think I am?)

4. I’m incredibly broody, but at the same time wouldn't consider having a child

5. I’m not 100% sure what my natural hair colour is.

6. I’d never been abroad until I was 16 and I've never been abroad with my family (does that count as 2?)

7. I’m an incredibly fussy eater and the only foods I actually couldn't deal with cutting out of my diet is chicken and potatoes.

8. after every meal I eat I HAVE to eat something sweet, no matter how full I am and no matter how small the sweet thing

9. I've always been jealous of my sister

10. I've always wanted to be a doctor from when I was 3, until I was 17 and I gave up trying because I’m too much of a pessimist

11. I've really struggled to think of 11 things that might be worth saying about myself.

My Questions

1. why did you start your blog?
2. what is your goal in life?
3. what are the 3 most important things in your life right now?
4. what do you consider to be your greatest talent? 
5. what do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
6. what your favourite 3 things about yourself?
7. what is your biggest fear?
8. what do you think you’ll be doing in 3 years time?
9. do you believe in love at first site?
10. what do you think the best bargain you've ever bought is?
11. if you could travel to anywhere in the world and do any one thing in that place, what would you do and where?


Tuesday, 26 February 2013


Just a quick post to say why I haven't posted over the weekend and probably won't be for the next couple of days!

As I mentioned in my last post, I have university deadlines coming up and basically one of them is Friday but I won't be able to hand it in on friday because I'm having my first driving lesson (eek!) so I've got to have it done so I can hand it in thursday morning so... MEGA PANIC.

love you all - thanks for commenting and I'll still be commenting back over the next few days!


Thursday, 21 February 2013

TK Maxx costs less? YES!

Today is just a brief post, I've extremely tired because I could not sleep at all last night :( and I'm hoping tomorrow will be a productive day (including a better blog post, hopefully!!) because I've got 1 week until 3 university deadlines and as always I've done no work for any of them..

After yesterdays post I carried on online shopping and being the massive TK Maxx fan that I am (I'm not doing this post as part of my job, I promise!), I decided to pick out some of my favourite bargains that are on their website at the moment!

I think the yellow Reiss dress, the Free People strapless dress and the SD Collection dress would be great holiday/summer weather dresses!
also I am completely besotted with the french connection playsuit, feel free to buy one for me! 

the converse are a MASSIVE bargain, I couldn't believe my eyes, and I think I've fallen in love with the House of Harlow gladiator sandals.


p.s. I've also been doing a bit of TK Maxx shopping lately (even though I can afford to do any shopping) and I'll try and get some photos up of my purchases soon too! :)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

geek chic.

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but all through autumn and winter I have been loving wearing shirts (and blouses) under jumpers so that the collar was on show and when I went shopping with my mum yesterday I nearly had a heart attack when I saw millions of jumpers on sale with shirts or blouses underneath!
I wasn't happy to see this because I'm not capable of putting my own blouses underneath my own jumpers but because I means I might not get as many funny looks when I'm wearing the combination! Also, it's good if you want to start trying this look but down have a variety of blouses and/or jumpers it's great because they come together and are no more expensive than buying a jumper and even most blouses alone :) and when I tried one on (which I had to buy) I noticed that on most of them the stitching can be unpicked meaning you can mix and match the blouses and jumpers :) which is super economical!

When I first went into New Look (which is where I bought mine from) I only saw one and impulsively bought it because I think it's great value but later on when I went to another New Look store I saw LOADS more that I wish I'd had instead! (I suppose I can always exercise my overdraft and buy some more...)

So, I've put together a few of the ones I saw on the high street yesterday (hence why there are only products from two shops) for you:

On the ones with patterned blouses I've put a zoomed in shot of the pattern so you can get a better idea, and it's difficult to make out but the bottom two both have white shirts underneath. 

Personally, my favourites are the two top ones from New Look and the one from Next which has a leopard print shirt :). I do like the other one from Next but I'm not entirely sure on the shade of the jumper because I think it looks a bit yellow and that wouldn't really complement my skin tone. I like the bottom right one from  New Look for the fact that it's used a more casual looking jumper but the grey-ish shade of the jumper makes me think it looks a bit school uniform-esque and I think the one on the bottom left (the black jumper and white shirt) is a tad plain and the length of the jumper probably wouldn't be flattering for some body shapes and sizes (i.e. mine!).

None of the above are what I bought because I saw ALL of these afterwards.
 This is the one I got, it's also quite plain but has the benefit that it is interchangeable because it has a short sleeved blouse underneath which is only attached by the shoulders of the jumper by a few stitches which were really easy to unpick. this one was from New Look as I previously stated and was only £22.99 before student discount!

On the topic of collars while I was in New Look I also found a nice dress with a collar on too!
this is only £27.99 as well! there are definitely some good buys in New Look at the moment too!

In fact my favourite section in New Look at the moment is what I think is actually a concession called 'Tokyo Doll' which actually have a load of lovely clothes! These are a few of my favourites:

1)     £24.99 and this actually has white polka dots on. Not only does it come in this denim blue shade, but also in a pale coral colour (no polka dots). 
2)     £24.99 and comes in two lovely colours – mint green (as show above) and a peachy/pink colour. 
3)     £24.99 I really like the pattern of this and the lace on the front, it would definitely look great in summer! 
4)     £22.99 I like this peplum top because of the sheer bottom and the patterned leather top half – I think it’s a really unique alternative to the more boring (but still nice) t-shirt type. 
5)     £29.99 I like the lace collar on this (although it’s a little too spaced out for my liking) but I especially like the mint green shade (it also comes in baby blue)

Enjoy. x

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

ladies at lunch

For some reason I'm always tempted to start posts with 'hey guys!' and have to stop myself,
(1) because in my head I hear the goonies 'hey you guys!!' and
(2) because I don't know who's actually reading my blog and whether females around the world really appreciate being called 'guys'.
Is that over thinking things too much? Probably.

So, I didn't mention this in my post(s) yesterday but I rushed the day because I had a deadline today (and I always leave everything until the last minute) but I'd already committed to spending today with my mum while she's off work for half term (it's alright for some, eh?) and this didn't dawn on me until about 7am on monday morning. So, I missed two lectures to complete the work for my deadline and handed it in before my psychology lab class which I then finished early meaning I got to go home for the night:).

I won't bore you with all the boring details, but essentially today I've spent the whole day out. I went into town with my mum this morning and didn't come home until 6 and then I quickly got ready to go for a birthday meal. (Yes, that does mean I've had 2 meals out in one day!)
being a student and all I'm pretty skint (completely skint) and managed to go the whole day spending only £17! From this I got a jumper, a blouse, a peplum top, a roll neck dress and some jeans :). I also saw about 2 million pairs of shoes I want if anyone wants to treat me?
I'll post pictures on ASAP.

Enjoy! x

ps. I'd like to brag about how amazing my best friend is and congratulate him on his results for his first semester exams at uni! Not only has he managed to bag himself a scholarship he also got 2.1's in all of his exams! Clever clogs. x

Monday, 18 February 2013


I forgot two valentines themed nail art photos. I've decided to post again to show them because otherwise it would've been a waste of energy finding them and they're quite good designs so I don't want you all to miss out :).

I like these ones because of the 3d hearts and the use of the newspaper method as well to give some variety.

I think the idea of using cupid for the theme rather than love hearts was also clever and unique.

Enjoy xxx

ps. I don't take any credit for the nail art or designs in this post and the previous post. I'd post the source of the designs but I can find the links anymore, but I found most of them on tumblr :) xx

Lazy weekend

The title of the post isn't entirely accurate but its the closest I could get to describing why I haven't blogged this weekend. I started a post on friday but got delayed (I decided to go into town and get the ingredients to do some baking) which was lovely and relaxing and was a good start to the weekend until later on when I started to feel a bit ill and my head was all fuzzy (boohoo) and when I went to uni to pick my stuff up for the weekend and I was a bit of a party pooper because someone had cling filmed the girl nextdoors door knob to the stair case which completely blocked off the path to my door. I just wasn't in the mood so I ripped it, was I just being a cow or were my actions sort of acceptable? I do feel a but guilty.

Anyway, because I'm still having issues on the camera cable front I decided to take get a collection of photos of nail art that I like for you to keep you entertained

So, the first lot I found were some valentines themed nail (considering last week was valentine's day). My personal favourites are the two on the right (the two sets of tips) and the middle ones (the poor quality photo) are my attempts at some valentines themed nails. What do you think?

These are just some nails that I generally like, I've done the ones on the top right before - it's really easy (as long as you've got some caviar beads). I really like the top left ones which help to promote the british heart foundation - I think everyone would like to do their bit to help promote charity and this is a really easy way to do it.

This last set are my favorite animal themed nails. My favourite are most definitely the fox ones (they're soo cute :')) but I like the simplicity of the bird ones too.

Which are you favourite?

Enjoy xx

Thursday, 14 February 2013


I've actually kept my word from yesterday and blogged two days in a row! (Go me). I've also taken some outfit photos today but I then realised I've lost my camera lead (when I say 'lost' I actually mean my sister lost hers, borrowed mine and has moved to norfolk before giving it back - it's the last time I do her a favour!) so the photos will have to wait until a later date.

It hasn't gone unnoticed that today is Valentines day (or expensive confidence boost (or not for singletons) day as I view it. This year I've decided to boycott it because I'm quite poor at the moment and I just think it's a pile of shit. Not surprisingly, my partner was quite happy with this especially considering I offered to make him home made lasanga for tea tomorrow if he agreed to the idea. 

What men will do for food, eh?

Speak soon! x

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

so, I didn't keep my promise..

But I've finally got blogger working on my phone (ish - it's sooo delayed I'm typing it keeps missing out half of every word) so HOPEFULLY I can start keeping the promise. fingers crossed!

Anyway, the last few times I blogged it was near Christmas and exam period and life was a bit hectic but as we all know Christmas is over now (mine was lovely) and I had my exam results back yesterday and I passed everything! Yay! I got the equivalent of two 2:1's in psychology and two 2:2's in biology. :)

I had my first semester 2 exam today so I couldn't really treat myself yesterday for my results so I have today and it's the saddest treat EVER - I've put my pyjamas on at half past 7, watched the soaps under my duvet and had a curry (yum).

speak soon! x